

A sales and purchase master is a term commonly used in business and accounting to refer to a centralized database or record-keeping system that contains detailed information about sales and purchases made by a company. This master file or database serves as a comprehensive record of transactions related to the buying and selling activities of the business.

Course Duration
6 months / 1 years
Mode of Training
Online / Offline
Job Assitance
100% Job Assistance

About The Course

Certainly! Here's a concise paragraph for you: A Master's in Sales Management** opens up diverse career avenues. Graduates can explore roles such as Social Media Managers, Marketing Managers, Human Resources Managers, Sales Executives, Business Development Managers, Regional Sales Managers, and even Directors of Marketing and Sales. The field is dynamic, and your specific path will depend on your interests and the industry you choose to work in. 🌟

Designed for Fresher’s & Working Professional 90+ Hours of In Depth Learning Covering Most Demanding Tools 25+ Case Studies & Capstone Projects One to One with Industry Mentors 24/7 LMS Access 100% Job Assistantce Dedicated Customer Support Building Project Portfolio AI based Resume Building
Open to all students. No experience required, and no skill background is needed to thrive in this course.
  • Periodic evaluations are integrated into the course duration.
  • Assessments encompass quizzes, assignments, projects, case studies, and objective/subjective evaluations.
  • These evaluations foster consistent student engagement, promoting active learning.
  • Successful completion of evaluations, meeting attendance criteria, end course assessment, and project work lead to a certificate of completion/participation.
  • Certification
    Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive a recognized certification, validating their proficiency in Sales & Purchase Master. This certification serves as a valuable asset in career advancement and job opportunities in the rapidly evolving landscape.

    Contents / Modules

    1. C.R.M
    2. S.R.M
    3. Data ANALYTICS
    4. Inventory Management
    5. Sales Funnel Optimization
    6. Purchasing Funnel Optimization for Topics
    7. Multi Channel Sale
    8. Dynamic Pricing Strategies
    9. Agile Adaptation
    10. Risk Management
    11. Compliance And Ethical Practise
    12. Advanced Features

    How to Apply

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